Independence Day is the deadliest day of the year when it comes to fatal car accidents, according to both Esurance and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. They also claim that 40 percent of all highway deaths between 2007 and 2011 were caused by drunk drivers between June 30 and July 4. This five-day period sees about 200 traffic deaths every year. Drivers in Virginia will want to be extra careful, then, if they plan on traveling during the holiday.
AAA estimates that 37.5 million Americans will be traveling 50 miles or more as part of their Fourth of July celebrations. As a result, more drivers will be on the road, and many of them will be taking routes that are different from their usual commute. This could mean distractions and risky driving behavior.
Mishandling fireworks can frequently injure the hands and fingers, says the U.S. Consumer Safety Product Commission. Spectators should stand 500 feet away from where fireworks are shot into the air. Those who light a malfunctioning firework should be careful about approaching it since it may go off unexpectedly and burn their head, face, eyes and ears.
Being careful about alcohol consumption will prevent alcohol poisoning, and foodborne illness can be avoided by thoroughly cooking meat. Parents should monitor children around the pool because swimming accidents are another risk on July 4th.
Individuals who are injured by another person’s distracted driving may have the grounds for a claim. An accident attorney could help someone build up his or her case with the assistance of third-party investigators and other experts, so it’s important to hire one. A lawyer could also estimate a fair amount for a settlement, factoring in any comparative negligence, and then negotiate for it with the defendant’s auto insurance carrier. If an agreement cannot be reached, an attorney could prepare the case for court.