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How alcohol impacts the human body

On Behalf of | Nov 28, 2018 | Drunk Driving Accidents

Driving on any road can be hazardous when doing so under the influence of alcohol. Even a single drink can impair a driver’s judgment and cause that person to feel differently behind the wheel. The legal alcohol limit in Virginia and throughout the U.S. is .08 percent. This is roughly equal to four drinks. Once a driver reaches this level, they may have more difficulty seeing a dangerous situation or reacting to it in a timely manner.

It may also be harder for a driver to concentrate and maintain a reasonable level of self-control at this level of intoxication. When a person’s blood alcohol level reaches .15 percent or higher, it may cause them to vomit or have significant problems standing. At this point, there may be a lack of auditory or visual sensory processing of information while driving. It may also be harder for this person to control his or her movements.

However, drivers may begin to show impairment that makes driving dangerous at any blood alcohol level. For instance, at .05 percent, a driver may see reduced inhibition or a reduced sense of alertness while their vehicle is in motion. This may translate to a difficult time steering or a lessened ability to react to sudden actions or dangers on the road. Furthermore, a driver’s eyes may not be able to focus on the road.

If a drunk driver causes an accident, he or she may be liable for any resulting damages. By filing a personal injury claim, a crash victim could obtain compensation that covers property damage and other costs incurred. Future medical costs related to the crash may also be covered. An attorney could gather evidence such as driver statements or a police report to show that negligence played a role in the crash.