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Should I Accept The Personal Injury Settlement Offer?

After an accident, you may hear from an insurance adjuster who represents the negligent party. They may even offer you a quick settlement, telling you that “this is the only time you will hear” from them or “this is the best offer you will receive.”

Insurance companies count on accident victims not knowing their rights in situations like these. However, if you talk to an experienced personal injury attorney about your case, you may find out that you could eventually receive much more. At the Danville, Virginia, law firm of Carter Craig, Attorneys at Law, we can help you think through your options before you make any decisions that will have such as a large effect on your life.

Don’t Agree To A Settlement Just To ‘Put It Behind You’

We understand how stressful the legal system can seem. Some people feel guilt over filing a lawsuit. However, if you accept an early settlement, you will be closing the door on pursuing any future compensation for these injuries if they get worse over time. For example, you could need additional surgeries or physical therapy months later that you will have to cover yourself.

Our attorneys will never advise you to accept an early settlement if it is not in your best interest.

We will first thoroughly investigate your accident to determine what went wrong and work with your doctor and medical experts to determine the severity of your injuries and their future costs. We will help you pursue the compensation that you truly need and deserve.

Learn More At A Free Consultation

Before you sign anything and forfeit any of your rights, talk to our lawyers at a free consultation. Located in downtown Danville, we meet with clients across Southside Virginia and northern North Carolina, often traveling to meet them when necessary. Contact us online or call or to get started. You will owe no fees if we do not secure compensation for you.