When assessing cause, some car accidents are straightforward while others are more complicated. If yours falls into the latter category, then you might be worried about what a determination of fault may have on your case. It’s a legitimate concern, too, given that...
If you're injured on the job, your employer should pay for the medical care and other benefits through workers' compensation. This is how the system is supposed to work, but unfortunately there are many cases in which workers receive much less than they deserve, or...
Working with an insurance company after an accident might seem easy, but it’s important to contextualize your relationship with the insurance companies that have reached out to you. Although representatives from these companies might seem friendly, they’re really in...
Even though a personal injury lawsuit might seem easy and straightforward, the process can have a number of complications. If you mishandle those issues, then your claim could end up recovering far less than you hoped, or your claim might be denied altogether. If you...
Road dangers are a growing problem across the United States with people being injured and losing their lives in auto accidents with a worrisome frequency. In Virginia – and particularly Southside Virginia – the chance of catastrophic damage is worse because of the...
If you are injured in a car crash, you will likely be offered a settlement from the at-fault party or their insurer. While it might be tempting to simply take the settlement and put the matter behind you, you might want to consider whether that settlement is enough to...
Most automobile accidents begin and end in a few seconds. The events happen in such rapid succession that not even surviving victims cannot accurately describe exactly what happened. In such cases, investigators from law enforcement agencies and attorneys representing...
The death of a close relative is never easy. But losing a parent, spouse or child in a car accident can be especially devastating. Especially if one of the drivers involved caused the wreck. Loss of life in a reasonably preventable crash, such as one caused by a drunk...
In 2020, approximately 11,650 people in the United States were killed in a drunk driving crash. It is common knowledge that if a person in Virginia drives with a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.08 or greater, they cannot be trusted to operate a motor vehicle safely...
If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, then you’re probably angry, frustrated, and scared of what the future has in store. After all, the damages that have been unfairly thrust upon you are probably so extensive that they’re at the point of being...